Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!!

I am going to start this post by warning you that I have a LOT of photos to share! After blogging without pictures for so long, it's a relief to have the technology available again! First off, here's a shot of the new house, finally finished and all ours! We closed last week, and we spent the weekend furiously unpacking. We did well, we have all of the essentials finished, and are down to the last few boxes. It's great to be here...it feels like a castle after "The Cave"!

Here are Bryce and Drew on Bryce's last day of preschool in May.

The kids all put their handprints on the outside wall of the preschool on the last day. Bryce's are the blue ones on the left in the third row.

They boys on a fun trip to the Children's Garden at the Botanic Gardens in ABQ.

Drew on his last day of the semester at the Little Gym. He loves the gym! He has very little fear of anything, and loves to climb, swing, and explore.

He did not love the medal ceremony at the end of class, however!

Drew tasting his medal. Let's hope it wasn't made in China.

Bryce demonstrates his skills on his last day of the Little Gym semester.

Bryce also loves the gym. He's getting pretty good at balancing and tumbling.

He also really liked his medal ceremony!

Bryce and his playgroup buddies on a ride at our local amusement park.

Bryce takes the bumper car for a spin. He was actually a pretty good driver!

Bryce's playgroup (& siblings) at the park. We have some awesome friends in ABQ!

Stu playing with Drew at the Little Gym.

Bryce and his good friend Lamar after their last soccer game with their trophies and medals.

See! I told you there were going to be a lot of pictures! As you can see, we've been keeping busy for the past month or two. Now we're feeling so happy to be in the new house, and we're really looking forward to our Montana trip next week. To all of you we'll see up there, we can't wait!

We hope everyone is having a great summer so far. Keep us in mind if you're ready for a road trip! We're finally moved in & ready for visitors! We'll keep the margaritas chilled for ya...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Ours!

Well, we signed on the dotted line today, and the house is ours! We're very excited to get moved in this weekend! The movers are coming tomorrow with all of the stuff that's been in storage, and we're moving as much as we can from the apartment today.

The boys are excited to get out of the apartment too, and can't wait to see all of the toys they haven't seen since April. It will probably feel like Christmas at our house for the next week or so!

It will be crazy trying to get settled in for the next week, but then we get to head to Montana for a MUCH-deserved vacation! We can't wait to get to Glacier Park and Flathead Lake for some fun and R & R! (Maybe a gin & tonic or two...who knows???) We can't wait to spend time with our family & friends!

We'll update again after we get the computer set up in the house. Wish us luck...it's supposed to be in the 90's here this weekend! Miss you all!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One week to go...

It's been way too long! I haven't posted for a month, and I apologize. I kept thinking I would get my pictures downloaded from my camera, and then I would post, but it just didn't happen. This will be another text-only post, but at least I can update the blog!

We have one week to go until we get to move into the new house! We close on June 19th, and the movers arrive with our stuff on the 20th. We leave for Montana on the 28th, so it will be a wild and crazy week as we attempt to settle in as much as possible before our vacation. It was snowing in Missoula this morning, according to my mom, so we may have to unearth winter clothes for the trip!!! It's been in the 90's here, so 40's would be quite a shock. I still want to move back to Montana someday, but days like today do make me think a little bit! Seriously, snow in June???

The house is looking good, especially compared to the apartment that has come to be known as "The Cave." We don't get a lot of daylight in here, since we're on the ground floor and there are multi-story buildings on both sides of us. I am thankful that there is air-conditioning here, or else I don't think we would have survived 9+ weeks. It's almost painful to go visit the new house now, since it looks totally finished, and we know that we have to return to The Cave. We're all really anxiously anticipating our big move. We really appreciate the new house now!

Bryce has started his summer program at the preschool, and is loving learning about bugs. He will finish that at the end of the month, just in time for our vacation. Drew is taking a summer gym class at The Little Gym. He has more energy than I know what to do with, so gym class is an excellent outlet. I have some great pictures of both boys at their "Medal Ceremonies" at the gym last week that I will post after we get moved.

In addition to the big move, we are all very much looking forward to our Montana trip. We'll spend a few days at Glacier Park with Stu's parents, Paige, Rich, Thomas & Jillian, and then we'll head to Flathead Lake to spend the 4th of July with my parents, Betsy, Kennet & Elsa, and Brittany & Cameron. We can't wait to see everyone! Stu is ready for a break from work...his job has been VERY demanding for the past couple of months.

We hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer. Once we're unpacked, come see us if you need some sunshine! :) More soon!