Monday, May 11, 2009

BBQ & Soccer!

We had our dear friends the Baillios & the Bynums over for a BBQ to celebrate Antonia's birthday. When Charity, Antonia & I last taught together in 2002, none of us had any children. Now, we've got 5 boys among the three of us! :) Bryce, Drew, Lamar & Jamal had a great time in the new bounce house, while Trey kept us all amused with his fear of grass. It was a wonderful evening with friends!

Drew, Lamar, Trey & Charity in the bounce house.

Little Trey playing with his mama.

It looks like Drew is sharing with Trey, but looks can be deceiving!

Charity's delicious birthday cake for Antonia!

Drew chowing on some ice cream.

Bryce enjoying his cone.
Bryce just finished a soccer program, so I took some pictures on his last day. The building in the background is the one Stu's office is in at Intel.
The kids ready to play.

Bryce gets ready to throw the ball in.

Bryce on the move.

Drew makes a friend (& tries to bum some snack.)

Field Trip to the Zoo

Bryce's preschool class took a field trip to the zoo during their study of animals. With Stu's compressed schedule, we were all able to go with Bryce and enjoy a beautiful spring day. Albuquerque has a great zoo, and the kids had a ball visiting all of the animals they had been learning about.

Drew posing at the zoo.

Drew & Daddy.

Drew refusing to cooperate. :)

Bryce's class ready to check out the animals. Note the cute matching t-shirts!

Bryce & his buddy Ariel.

The boys enjoying ice cream on the patio.

A Sunday Hike

A few weeks ago, we took a short hike to the overlook in our neighborhood. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and we got some great shots of the Rio Grande valley and the Sandia Mountains.

The Sandia Mountains in the distance.

Stu & the boys at the overlook.

Getting ready to head home.

Happy Easter!

We had a fantastic Easter! My parents come down to visit from Montana, and we had the best time with them! We took Grammy & Papa bowling, to the Children's Museum in Santa Fe, to the Zoo on Easter morning, and much more! My mom & I had a great time doing some shopping, and my Dad got to get in several rounds of golf with Stu's dad. If any of you are interested in Southwest jewelry, I've got the hookup! My mother-in-law took my mom & I to some of her favorite places, and we found some tresaures! :) All in all, a great Easter weekend!

Drew & Grammy dying eggs.

Drew sampling his "Ice Cream Cone Cupcake."

If you didn't already know, Drew is a "Rock Star!"

Bryce hoisting himself up at the Santa Fe Children's Museum.

Papa building a masterpiece.

Grammy & Bryce at the museum.

The boys checking out their Easter loot.

Drew found Starbursts on the lawn!

Bryce on the hunt for tricky eggs.

Happy Easter!

Easter morning at the zoo.

A gorilla enjoying his Rice Krispie Easter treat.

Art Show 2009

Bryce poses with his artwork.

Bryce & his Cheetah mask.

With Mrs. Aragon, one of Bryce's amazing teachers!

Cheesy Bryce.

Cheesy (& messy!) Drew!

Wow, I have been a MAJOR blogging slacker for the past couple of months! You'll have to bear with me, I'm going to try to do about 6 posts today to catch up! :) Our first big event of April was the annual Art Show at Bryce's preschool. It's truly awesome...his teachers turn the preschool into a mini-gallery and display all of the kids' art pieces from the year. We had a great time checking out all of Bryce's creative endeavors!