Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a fantastic Easter! My parents come down to visit from Montana, and we had the best time with them! We took Grammy & Papa bowling, to the Children's Museum in Santa Fe, to the Zoo on Easter morning, and much more! My mom & I had a great time doing some shopping, and my Dad got to get in several rounds of golf with Stu's dad. If any of you are interested in Southwest jewelry, I've got the hookup! My mother-in-law took my mom & I to some of her favorite places, and we found some tresaures! :) All in all, a great Easter weekend!

Drew & Grammy dying eggs.

Drew sampling his "Ice Cream Cone Cupcake."

If you didn't already know, Drew is a "Rock Star!"

Bryce hoisting himself up at the Santa Fe Children's Museum.

Papa building a masterpiece.

Grammy & Bryce at the museum.

The boys checking out their Easter loot.

Drew found Starbursts on the lawn!

Bryce on the hunt for tricky eggs.

Happy Easter!

Easter morning at the zoo.

A gorilla enjoying his Rice Krispie Easter treat.

1 comment:

The Bertelsen Bunch said...

Looks likie it was a great time! Love the pic of Dad building the masterpiece! Heheh! And the gorilla with the rice krispy treat!! They are all cute pics! The boysn are getting so big!