Bryce & Drew await the guests at Hoots Party Zone.
Drew practices for the circus.
Drew & I having fun!
Bryce & Joseph tackle the slide.
Check out Drew's face! He's a daredevil!
Bryce & Lamar having a great time.
Bryce got to sit on this cool "Birthday Throne" for pizza & cake.
My dear friend Antonia made this AWESOME Wall-E cake! She's the best!
Bryce makes his wish & BLOWS!
Drew enjoying ice cream.
With the cousins from Phoenix...Mitch, Drew, Bryce, Jamie & Will
When I told Brittany we were having Bryce's 5th Birthday Party at Hoots, she replied, "You're having his party at Hooter's???" Not exactly, Britt. That will be his 25th, not his 5th, and hopefully I won't have to attend that one! No, this party was Friday night at Hoots Party Zone in ABQ. Bryce and his friend Mitchell had a combined 5th Birthday Party there, and we all had a great time! We ended up with about 25 kids & a bunch of parents enjoying all of the climbing, jumping, sliding, and yelling they could handle. After that, we all enjoyed some much-needed pizza & cake. All in all, Bryce had a wonderful party. He's still a little confused about why he isn't actually 5 yet, but only 21 days to go.
On Saturday, we hosted Stu's cousin James & his family from Phoenix. James, Molly, Mitch, Jamie, Will, Aunt Liz & Stu's folks joined us for lunch & fun at our house. We ate, played, and spent time catching up. The kids had a great time playing together, and especially enjoyed challenging each other on the Wii. I'm starting to sound like a walking endorsement for that thing, but it really is fun. We all had a great time & are looking forward to seeing them all again sometime soon.
We hope everyone is having a safe & fun Labor Day Weekend! The "end of summer" is pretty overcast & cool here today, and I'm loving it! This Montana girl has had all of the hot weather she can stand for a while. Thank goodness for fall in New Mexico, it is AWESOME! In a month, our skies will be full of beautiful hot air ballons for Balloon Fiesta, college football is back, and the smell of roasting green chile is everywhere these days. We love it!