Happy Halloween to all of you! Here's hoping you got loads of loot trick-or-treating. Bryce really "got" the concept this year...we could hardly keep up with he and Bryson as they tore through the neighborhood. Drew and Carson were content to ride in the wagon and watch their big brothers run like mad. Bryce especially liked the houses that just put out a big bowl of candy and let you help yourself. Halloween is now officially one of his favorite days of the year.
November has started out pretty well...we've managed to complete our big "home improvement" projects, and we are planning to list the house when we return from Montana for Thanksgiving. We're not looking forward to maintaining a perfect home with two busy little guys, but we're optimistic that we'll be able to sell in a few months. Keep your fingers crossed!
Stu just finished serving on a jury for a criminal trial in state district court. It was an eye-opening experience for him. The case involved the incest of a young girl, and the details made me feel sick. The defendant was convicted, and Stu felt that the overall outcome was positive. It certainly opens your eyes to what some kids live with every day.
We're thankful this year that our boys are happy and healthy, and we're looking forward to traveling to Missoula next week for Thanksgiving. We'll get to see Betsy, Kennet, & Elsa, Brittany & Cameron, my grandmother, and aunts, uncles, and cousins. Brittany and Cameron recently found out that they'll be moving back to Montana in January, as Cameron has been chosen as the new Assistant Pro at the Mission Bay Golf Course in Polson. We're so proud of him, and thrilled that they'll be close by when we get to visit Montana.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to take a minute to count all of the blessings in your lives. And, of course, let's be careful out there.
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